Thursday, April 30, 2015

The Elephant In The Room

Let’s recall that the mandate of Jesus was not actually that we agree with one another, it was actually much more challenging. We are supposed to love each other, which is really, really hard—and pretty much impossible if our lives are not lived together.

Our community is suffering. We have a glaring homeless problem in our midst that we aren't addressing. Solving this complex problem begins with listening to each other, removing the blame and shifting the responsibility to all of us. We need to get together in the same room, look at the existing assets of our community and begin to seek a solution.

We have people out there living in tents, sleeping in cars, or on couches, moving from house to house and they are wondering if it will ever change.

Say what you want about why these people are homeless or what you think the homeless should be doing to move forward, we are never going to agree. That's not the point.

Bottom line, the homeless are people. People made by God. Jesus still died for them to save them that they might have life.

Their lives matter. Let's agree on that and do our part to make sure they know that in our community, people matter.

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 

Come on, let's move this town forward together you and I. It won't happen through one agency, organization, or church. It won't happen at all, unless we come together and make it happen.

Speak up by contacting your commissioner. Talk to your church leaders. Contact The Refuge and let us know you want to be a part of change in our community.

There are solutions. Other communities are far ahead of ours in implementing innovative and effective plans to address homelessness. We CAN do this together.

Who is my commissioner? Find out at this link
The Refuge contact: